ICARのSimmet賞(2020 in Bologna,Italy)の案内
International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) のSimmet賞(2020 in Bologna,Italy)の案内がありましたのでお知らせいたします。
Simmet Prize (Call for nomination – Deadline September 1,2019) Applications for the 2020 Simmet Prize are now open (http://animalreproduction.org/simmet-prize-2/). The award, which recognizes the scientific advances in assisted reproduction pioneered by Dr. Ludwig Simmet, founder of Minitube, recognizes an active research scientist for outstanding basic and applied research published during the previous six years in the area of assisted reproductive technologies for animal production systems. The Simmet Prize, which comes with a 50,000 euro honorarium, is the largest of its type in the world and is presented every four years at the ICAR meeting.