First Announcement
International Symposium:
Global approach to control of diseases and
improvement of productivity in dairy cattle through the recent advance in nutritional, metabolic, immunological and genetic studies
13 -14 February 2015
ANA Hotel Okayama, Okayama, Japan
Message from the Organizing Committee
With a consistent increase in world population, the demand for animal protein has been ever growing worldwide. Global environmental pressure for cattle rearing does not allow us increase the number of animals indefinitely. An alternate solution is maximizing the productivity of each animal in a limited population. The major constraints for improving the health and increasing the productivity of cattle today are the occurrence of postpartum diseases and declining reproductive performance.
Although nutrition and metabolism in transition periods have been known to influence the health and productivity of cows, no practical control measures to solve the problems have so far been established. Recently more attention has been paid to the involvement of immune function and genetic factors in the health and reproduction of animals. The integration of nutrition, metabolism, immune function and genetic factors could give us a clue to the development of a novel system to maintain animal’s health and productivity.
This symposium, featuring a number of world renowned experts in their relevant fields, aims to find a global approach to comprehensive cattle health and production management system. All who are interested are cordially invited to this special international symposium. Participants are encouraged to contribute a paper for a short communication session.
Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Nakao
Chairman of the Organizing Committee and President of Japanese Society of Farm Animal Veterinary Medicine, Japan Veterinary Medical Association
Japanese Society of Farm Animal Veterinary Medicine, Japan Veterinary Medical Association, Tokyo
Financial Support
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (2014) from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan
Organizing Committee
Toshihiko Nakao(Japanese Society of Farm Animal Veterinary Medicine): Chairman
Shigeru Sato (Iwate University): Vice Chairman
Norio Yamagishi (Iwate University): Secretary
Hisashi Inokuma (Obihiro University of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture)
Shin Oikawa (Rakuno Gakuen University)
Motoshi Tajima (Rakuno Gakuen University)
Tomohito Hayashi (Nationsal Insitute of Animal Health, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)
Hiromichi Otsuka (Kitasato University)
Shirou Kushibiki (NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science)
Reiichirou Sato (Azabu University)
Hiroshi Katamoto (Miyazaki Univeristy)
Tentative Program
<Feb. 13, 2015> 13:00-19:30
13:00-15:00 Session I: Interrelationships among nutrition, metabolism, health、production and reproduction
Lecture 1. G. Opsomer (Belgium): Interaction of metabolic challenges and productivity
Lecture 2. K.L. Ingvartsen (Denmark): Factors contributing immunosuppression during
peripartirient period
15:30-17:30 Session II Impact of metabolic status on immune function
Lecture 1. L. Sordillo (USA): Impact of nutrition and oxidation stress on disease
susceptibility in periparturient period
Lecture 2. S. Sato (Japan): SARA challenge, ruminal condition and cellular immunity in cattle
18:00-19:30 Short communication session
<Feb.14, 2015)> 9:00-17:00
9:00-10:45 Session III Strategies to control diseases and improve productivity
Lecture 1. K.L. Ingvartsen (Denmark) Disease prevention through nutrition
Lecture 2. G.M. Schuenemann (U.S.A.) Improvement of reproductive performance with emphasis on transition cow management
11:00-12:00 Short communication session
14:00-16:00 Session IV Genetics and genomics for improving health and production
Lecture 1. B.A. Mallard (Canada) (not yet finalized) Genetic Selection of cattle for
improved immunity and health (part 1)
Lecture 2. B.A. Mallard (Canada) (not yet finalized) Genetic Selection of cattle for
improved immunity and health (part 2)
16:15-17:00 Session V General discussion “Global approach to control diseases and
improve health, production and reproduction”
Symposium Language
Simultaneous translation to Japanese is available.
All participants need to be registered in advance.
Japan Veterinary Medical Association (JVMA) members: Registration for Annual Conference of JVMA is required.
Non-members of JVMA (Japanese): No registration fee. Please send e-mail for registration with name, age, institute, position, institute address and E-mail address to
Dr. Reiichiro Sato, Azabu University ( by January 31, 2015.
On site registration is also accepted.
ID card must be presented at the registration desk on site.
Foreigners: No registration fee. For registration please send e-mail including name, age, institute, position, institute address and E-mail address to
Convention Linkage Inc. ( by January 31, 2015. On site registration is also accepted. Those who need VISA should contact by December 31. 2014,
Call for Abstracts for Short Communication
The organizing committee invites authors to submit abstracts related to the main theme of the symposium for oral communications (12 to 15 min. including discussion).
Submission guidelines
Length: 400 words or less including title and names and affiliations of authors.
Contents: The abstract should contain objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusions.
Submission deadline: October 31, 2014
Submission to: Prof. Dr. Norio Yamagishi, Iwate University
Abstract selection and notification
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the committee and notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to corresponding authors by November 30, 2014.
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