- 日・韓・中若手研究者シンポジウム
および第5回 日・韓・中交流シンポジウム報告
- 【経緯】 日本繁殖生物学会では、これまでに5回の日韓シンポジウムと4回の日・韓・中シンポジウムを開催し、アジアにおける国際交流を推し進めてまいりました。2018年度は若手を含め、3カ国の交流をさらに深める目的で、学会会期の冒頭に日・韓・中若手研究者シンポジウム、最終日に第5回日・韓・中交流シンポジウムを開催する機会を持ちました。
- 【代表者】
- (韓国) Nam-Hyung KIM (Pre-president, Korean Society of Animal Reproduction)
(中国) Tian JIANHUI (President, Animal Reproduction Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine)
(日本) Takashi MIYANO (President, The Society for Reproduction and Development)
- 日・韓・中若手研究者シンポジウム
- 【シンポジウムテーマ】 Organelle dynamics in Reproductive Biology
- 【開催日】 2018年 9月12日
- 【場所】 信州大学繊維学部(長野県上田市)
- 【プログラム・発表演題】 下記参照
- 【報告】 本シンポジウムは、9月16日(日)開催の第5回 日・韓・中交流シンポジウムと連携し、三ヶ国の若手研究者が交流を深めるためのプログラムとして若手奨励策検討委員会が企画しました。繁殖生物学分野におけるオルガネラダイナミクス「Organelle dynamics in Reproductive Biology」と題し、当該研究を対象に3カ国から2名ずつの若手研究者に発表をお願いしました。またミトコンドリア研究者としてご活躍されている大阪大学の石原直忠先生に基調講演をお願いしました。研究内容や対象が幅広く非常にユニークな内容となりましたが、オルガネラという一つの共通見解のもとに活発な議論を行うことが出来ました。3カ国の若手研究者を対象にした英語による初めての企画・運営でありましたが、学会員の先生方や大会事務局の皆様のご協力もあり大変すばらしい時間を共有出来ました。なお、本シンポジウムには、当初の予想を上回る82名の参加がありました。

- 【今後の予定について】 繁殖生物学分野における日・中・韓の若手研究者の育成と交流のために、今後も若手研究者シンポジウムがメインシンポジウムと連携する形で継続して開催されることを期待したいです。どうぞよろしくお願いします。
- 第5回 日・韓・中交流シンポジウム
- 【シンポジウムテーマ】 Focus on advanced technologies for animal reproduction
- 【開催日】 2018年 9月16日
- 【場所】 信州大学繊維学部(長野県上田市)
- 【プログラム・発表演題】 下記参照
- 【報告】 発表に先立ち、宮野理事長、JIANHUI理事長(中国)より、本シンポジウムの紹介ならびに挨拶がありました。続いて3つのトピック(Genome editing, Embryo production and transfer technology, Conservation technology)について各国から1演題、計9題の講演が行われました。また、18題のポスター発表がありました。シンポジウムの参加者は99名(日本人53名、中国人40名、韓国人6名)でした。


- 【今後の予定について】 第6回シンポジウムは2020年に韓国で開催予定です。日・中・韓シンポジウムをさらに発展させ交流を深めていくため、今回より口演に加えてポスターセッションの部を企画しましたが、各国協議の上、今後もポスターセッションの部を同時開催することを予定しています。よろしくお願いいたします。
(渉外理事 菊地和弘・渉外幹事 細江実佐・若手奨励策検討委員会委員長 塚本智史)
- 【プログラム・発表演題】
- Japan-Korea-China Young Researchers' Symposium
The 5th Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium
- 1. Young Researchers' Symposium
- Theme: Organelle Dynamics in Reproductive Biology
- Venue: Shinshu University Ueda Campus, Building-D 1F Lecture Room No.10
- Date: September 12 (Wed), 13:00-16:30
- Opening Remarks 13:00-13:10
- Takashi MIYANO (President, The Society for Reproduction and Development, Japan)
- Keynote Speech 13:10-13:50 (40 min including Q&A)
- Chair: Satoshi TSUKAMOTO
- YJKC-K, Naotada ISHIHARA (Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, and Department of Protein Biochemistry, Institute of Life Science, Kurume University, Japan)
Roles of mitochondrial dynamics in cellular function, development, and differentiation
- Coffee Break 13:50-14:00
- Session 1 14:00-14:40 (each presentation will be in 20 min including discussion)
- Chair: Sho NAKAMURA, Xiangwei FU
- YJKC-1, Nobuhiko ITAMI*, Hisataka IWATA (*Presenting author; Department of Animal Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan)
Mitochondrial quality control in mammalian oocytes
- YJKC-2, Lu ZHANG*, Minghui YANG, Jing WANG, Teng MA, and Guoshi LIU (*Presenting author; China Agricultural University, China)
The synthesis of melatonin by mitochondrial in reproductive cells
- Coffee Break 14:40-14:50
- Session 2 14:50-15:30 (each presentation will be in 20 min including discussion)
- Chair: Shuai GAO, Eun Young KIM
- YJKC-3, Qi-En YANG1*, Rong-Ge YAN1,2, Shuang LI1,2 (*Presenting author; 1Germ Cell Biology Group, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Molecular regulation of spermatogonial stem cell fate decisions
- YJKC-4, Woo-Sung KWON (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
The present and future prospect of diagnosis and prognosis of male fertility
- Coffee Break 15:30-15:40
- Session 3 15:40-16:20 (each presentation will be in 20 min including discussion)
- Chair: Yuki YAMAMOTO, Woo-Sung KWON
- YJKC-5, Eun Young KIM*, Eun ji LEE, Min kyu KIM (*Presenting author; Division of Animal & Dairy Science, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
The cellular function of DJ-1 in transgenic dogs
- YJKC-6, Kohei UMEZU*, Yuuki HIRADATE, Kenshiro HARA, Kentaro TANEMURA (*Presenting author; Laboratory of Animal Reproduction and Development, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Japan)
Sperm migration is regulated by stromal cell-derived factor 1 in Japanese Black cattle
- Closing Remarks 16:20-16:30
- 2. Main Symposium
- Theme: Focus on Advanced Technologies for Animal Reproduction
- Venue: Shinshu University Ueda Campus, Building-N 7F Meeting Room No.1
- Date: September 16 (Sun), 10:00-16:30
- Opening Remarks 10:00-10:30
- Takashi MIYANO (President, The Society for Reproduction and Development)
- Tian JIANHUI (President, Animal Reproduction Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine)
- Topic 1 Genome editing 10:30-11:45 (each presentation will be in 25 min including Q&A)
- Chair: Atsuo OGURA, Nam-Hyung KIM
- JKC-1, Soo-Young YUM, Kyeong-Min KIM, Yun-Kyeong JIN, Ji-Hyun LEE, Goo JANG* (*Presenting author; College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Genome engineering technologies in cattle: from random to specific
- JKC-2, Kun TAN, Lei AN*, Kai MIAO, Qianying YANG, Chao ZHANG, Zhuocheng HOU, Jianhui TIAN (*Presenting author; College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
Impaired imprinted X chromosome inactivation is responsible for the skewed sex ratio following in vitro fertilization
- JKC-3, Wataru FUJII (Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Practical application of engineered endonucleases to generation of genetically modified mice
- Lunch 11:45-13:15
- Topic 2: Embryo production and transfer technology 13:15-14:30 (each presentation will be in 25 min including Q&A)
- Chair: Il-Keun KONG, Qien YANG
- JKC-4, Shuai GAO*, Jianhui TIAN (*Presenting author; College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
Investigating the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) quality and tracing the transcriptome landscapes of the human fetal stem cells
- JKC-5, Koji KIMURA1*, Takashi FUJII2, Shuichi MATSUYAMA3, Hiroki HIRAYAMA4 (*Presenting author; 1Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University, 2Animal Research center, Hokkaido Research Organization, 3Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, 4Faculty of Bioindustry, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan)
Nonsurgical transfer of bovine elongating conceptus and its application for genomic evaluation
- JKC-6, Youngsok CHOI*, Sohyun MOON, Minha CHO, Sujin LEE, Hoon JANG (*Presenting author; Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University, Republic of Korea)
Melatonin as fertoprotective adjuvants: prevention of chemotherapy-induced premature ovarian failure
- Coffee Break 14:30-15:00
- Topic 3: Conservation technology 15:00-16:15 (each presentation will be in 25 min including Q&A)
- Chair: Lei AN, Yuji HIRAO
- JKC-7, Keisuke EDASHIGE (College of Agriculture, Kochi University, Japan)
The movement of water and cryoprotectants in mammalian oocytes and embryos: membrane permeability and aquaporins
- JKC-8, Lei GAO1, Zhengyuan HUANG1, Qingrui ZHUAN1, Yuxi LUO1, Shien ZHU1, Yunpeng Hou2, Xiangwei FU1* (*Presenting author; 1College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, 2College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, China)
Effects of vitrification on meiosis resumption of mice GV oocyte
- JKC-9, Il-Keun KONG1,2,3 (1Department of Animal Science, Division of Applied Life Science (BK21Plus), 2GAST, Gyeongsang National University, 3The Kingkong Co. Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Genetic improvement of elite Hanwoo cattle by ovum pick-up system
- Closing Remarks (Invitation to the 6th KCJ Joint Symposium) 16:15-16:30
Nam-Hyung KIM (Pre-president, Korean Society of Animal Reproduction)
- Poster Presentation
- Venue: Shinshu University Ueda Campus, Building-N 7F Meeting Room No.3
- Date: September 15 (Sat), 10:30-12:00
- JKCP-1, Zhengyuan HUANG, Lei GAO, Qingrui ZHUAN, Yuxi LUO, Shien ZHU*, Xiangwei FU (*Presenting author; College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
The impacts of laser zona thinning on hatching and implantation of vitrified mouse embryos
- JKCP-2, Jing WANG, Zhenzhen ZHANG, Tianqi ZHU, Lu ZHANG, Guoshi LIU* (*Presenting author; College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
Effect of melatonin on porcine corpus luteum and related molecular mechanism
- JKCP-3, Dong WANG1*, HaiYang ZUO1,2, JunFang ZHANG1, LiuGuang ZHANG1,3, XiaoXia REN1, Xiao-Li CHEN1 (*Presenting author; 1The Key Laboratory for Farm Animal Genetic and Utilization of Ministry of Agriculture of China, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, 2JiLin Agriculture University Animal Science and Technology, 3HaiKou Mary Hospital Reproductive Medicine Center, China)
Transcriptomic variation during spermiogenesis in mouse germ cells
- JKCP-4, Hui CAO1,2, Jun LI3, Wenlong SU1,2, Junjie LI1,2*, Zhigang WANG1,2, Shuchun SUN1,2, Shujun TIAN1,2, Lu LI1,2, Hanyang WANG1,2, Jiexin LI1,2, Xiaohuan FANG1,2, Qiaoli WEI1,2, Chuang LIU1,2 (*Presenting author; 1College of Animal Science and Technology, Agricultural University of Hebei, 2Research Center of Cattle and Sheep Embryo Engineering Technique of Hebei Province, 3Department of reproductive medicine, The First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, China)
Zebularine significantly improves the pre-implantation development of ovine somatic cell nuclear transferred embryos
- JKCP-5, Ruoxin JIA1, Zhiwei ZHU1, Xiaoyu CHEN1, Fuxian YU1, Jing HUANG1, Keiji MOCHIDA2, Ayumi HASEGAWA2, Atsuo OGURA2, Jianzhi PAN1* (*Presenting author; 1Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China, 2RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)
Effect of anti-inhibin serum treatment on ovulation in gilts
- JKCP-6, Lei GAO1*, Zhengyuan HUANG1, Qingrui ZHUAN1, Yuxi LUO1, Shien ZHU1, Yunpeng Hou2, Xiangwei FU1 (*Presenting author; 1College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, 2College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, China)
Effects of melatonin on meiosis process of vitrified mice GV oocyte
- JKCP-7, Qiuyue LIU1*, Xiaoyun HE1, Ran DI1, Xiangyu WANG1, Wenping HU1, Xiaosheng ZHANG2, Jinglong ZHANG2, Mingxing CHU1 (*Presenting author; 1Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2Tianjin Institute of Animal Sciences, China)
Epigenetic changes for photoperiod responsiveness identified in DNA methylation maps using ewes with seasonality of reproduction
- JKCP-8, Wenping HU1*, Benmeng LIANG1, Zhuangbiao ZHANG1, Jiandong WANG2, Jisun TAN1, Xiaojun Liang2, Mingxing CHU1 (*Presenting author; 1Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2Research Center of Grass and Livestock, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China)
Generation of BMPR1B gene editing Tan sheep via CRISPR/Cas9
- JKCP-9, Ting-xian DENG, Chun-ying PANG, Xing-rong LU, Sha-sha LIANG, Xiao-ya MA, An-qin DUAN, Xian-wei LIANG* (*Presenting author; Key Laboratory of Buffalo Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Technology, Buffalo Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China)
Single-cell RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of buffalo preimplantation embryos derived from Ovum Pick-Up
- JKCP-10, Jiage DAI1, Xiaomeng HUANG1, Chao ZHANG2, Xiaofei LUO1, Suying CAO1, Junli WANG1, Bing LIU1, Jianming GAO1* (*Presenting author; 1College of animal science and technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, China, 2College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
Berberine regulates lipid metabolism of porcine oocytes in vitro maturation via miRNA-192
- JKCP-11, Likun REN, Yuan YUE, Lei AN, Juan LIU, Zhuocheng HOU, Jianhui TIAN* (*Presenting author; College of Animal Sciences and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
Mitochondrial DNA undergoes de novo methylation during early mouse development
- JKCP-12, Yan LUO1*, Man-Ju CHE1, Cong LIU2, Hua-Ge LIU1, Xiang-Wei FU3, Yun-Peng HOU1 (*Presenting author; 1College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, 2School of life science, Wuchang University of Technology, 3College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
Toxicity and related mechanisms of dihydroartemisinin on porcine oocyte maturation in vitro
- JKCP-13, Yanyan SUN, Songshan XU, Yunlei LI, Aixin NI, Jianhua YE, Hui MA, Hong XU, Lei SHI, Jilan CHEN* (*Presenting author; Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics Breeding and Reproduction (poultry), Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China)
Chicken sperm freezability and its association with semen attributes and candidate gene expression
- JKCP-14, Yanyan SUN*, Yifan LIU, Yunlei LI, Fuguang XUE, Ma HUI, Jianhua YE, Hong XU, Lei SHI, Aixin NI, Jilan CHEN (*Presenting author; Key Laboratory of Animal (Poultry) Genetics Breeding and Reproduction, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China)
Analysis of miRNA profiling using RNA sequencing in chicken testis with extreme sperm motility
- JKCP-15, Jie ZENG, Hongliang ZHANG, Meixia YANG, Yufang ZHANG, Shuilian WANG* (*Presenting author; College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, China)
Direct regulatory effects of a newly-constructed lentiviral vectors encoding recombinant mouse GnIH on the granulosa cells
- JKCP-16, Xiaoling XU*, Jiahua BAI, Yan LIU (*Presenting author; Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China)
N-octanoylated ghrelin peptide inhibits bovine oocyte meiotic resumption in vitro
- JKCP-17, Qianhong YE1, 2, Xiangfang ZENG1, 2*, Shuang CAI1, 2, Xiangzhou ZENG1, 2, Changchuan YE1, 2, Meixia CHEN1, 2, Changhua LAI1, 2, Fenglai WANG1, 2, Shiyan QIAO1, 2 (*Presenting author; 1 State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Ministry of Agriculture Feed Industry Centre, China Agricultural University, 2 Beijing Key Laboratory of bio-feed additives, China)
Maternal short and medium chain fatty acid supply during early pregnancy improves embryo survival through enhancing progesterone synthesis in rats
- JKCP-18, Guangyin XI, Wenjing WANG, Yue WANG, Jianhui TIAN, Lei AN* (*Presenting author; College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, China)
C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) facilitates development of preantral follicles by enhancing proliferation of granulosa cells