At the 107th annual meeting of the Society for Reproduction and Development, held in Obihiro, Japan in August, the 2014 SRD awards were presented to each winner.
SRD Outstanding Research Award
The SRD Outstanding Research Award is given for outstanding basic and applied research in animal reproduction. The SRD Award Committee has selected the following members as the winners in 2014:
Toru TAKAHASHI (Iwate University) for “Study of Physiological Roles in Ruminant Placental Proteins” and
Satoshi KISHIGAMI (Kinki University) for “Improvement of Reproductive Technologies using Chemicals ~Towards Higher Efficiency and Dissemination of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer ~”.
SRD Innovative Technology Award
The SRD Innovative Technology Award is given for the research which contributed to a development of innovative technology in animal reproduction. The SRD Award Committee has selected the following member as the winner in 2014:
Yukihiro FUJINO (Saitama Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center) for “Establishment of Practical Methods for Long-term Preservation of Porcine Embryos”.
SRD Young Investigator Award
SRD Young Investigator Award is given for outstanding research in animal reproduction which was performed by an exceptionally promising young investigator who has not reached the age of 40 before April 1st of the year when the award is presented. The SRD Award Committee has selected the following member as the winner in 2014:
LI ChunMei (College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University) for “Studies on Endocrine Disruptors Contained in Diesel Exhaust Particles”.
SRD Outstanding Presentation Award
The SRD Outstanding Presentation Award is given for outstanding oral or poster presentation at the annual meeting of SRD. Chair of the 107th annual meeting of SRD selected the following six members as the winners in 2014:
- Oral Presentation
- Nobuhiko HAMAZAKI (Department of Biophysics and Global COE Program, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University) for “Gene Activation-associated Long Noncoding RNAs are Essential for Mouse Preimplantation Development”,
- Yuki HATANAKA (RIKEN BioResource Center) for “Identifying the Molecular Mechanisms for Active DNA Demethylation in Mouse Zygotes”,
- Masatoshi OOGA (Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo) for “Analysis of Chromatin Structure in Mouse Preimplantation Embryos by Fluorescent Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP)”.
- Poster Presentation
- Masahiro KATO (Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University) for “Peripheral Administration of Neurokinin B Agonist Enhances Luteinizing Hormone Secretion and Follicular Growth in Female Japanese Black Beef Cows”,
- Yuuka MORI (Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo) for “Roles of the Untranslated Regions of Cyclin A2 in Translational Regulation in Murine Oocytes and Embryos”,
- Shinnosuke SUZUKI (Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) for “CHD1 is involved in the Lineage Commitment during Mouse Preimplantation Embryo via Zygotic Genome Activation”.