At the 99th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction, held in Nagoya, Japan in September, the 2006 JSAR awards were presented to each winner.

JSAR Outstanding Research Award

Kazuyoshi Hashizume
The JSAR Outstanding Research Award is given for outstanding basic and applied research in animal reproduction. The JSAR Award Committee has selected the following two members as the winners in 2006:
Kazuyoshi Hashizume (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Iwate University) for "Analysis of utero-placenta specific molecules and their functions during implantation and placentation in bovine"

Teruhiko Wakayama
Teruhiko Wakayama (Laboratory for Genomic Reprogramming Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN Kobe) for "Study for the production of cloned mice from somatic cell nuclei".
JSAR Innovative Technology Award

Koh-ichi Hamano
The JSAR Innovative Technology Award is given for the research which contributed to a development of innovative technology in animal reproduction. The JSAR Award Committee has selected the following member as the winner in 2006:
Koh-ichi Hamano (Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University) for "Sex preselection in bovine by separation of X- and Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa".
JSAR Young Investigator Award

Tomas J. Acosta
The JSAR Young Investigator Award is given for outstanding research in animal reproduction which was performed by exceptionally promising young investigator. The JSAR Award Committee has selected the following member as the winner in 2006:
Tomas J. Acosta (Laboratory of Reproductive Endocrinology, Graduate
School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University) for "Studies on
follicular vascularity associated with follicle selection and ovulation in
JSAR Outstanding Presentation Award
The JSAR Outstanding Presentation Award is given for outstanding oral and poster presentations at the annual fall meeting of JSAR. Chair of the 99th annual meeting of JSAR selected the following six members as the winners in 2006:
- Oral Presentation
- Ayaka Yano (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) for "Isolation of various types of testicular germ cells from pvasa-Gfp rainbow trout by Gfp-dependent flow cytometry"
- Etsuko Sawatari (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) for "GSDF, a novel TGF-β superfamily member expressed in gonadal somatic cells, enhances proliferation of primordial germ cell and spermatogonia in rainbow trout"
- Kenji Takase (Nagoya University) for "Physiolosical role of metastin in timing puberty in female rats"
- Poster Presentation
- Yoji Yamamoto (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) for "Ovarian gap junction and protein kinase A signaling pathway play essential roles during LH-induced acquisition of oocyte maturational competence in the Teleost Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)"
- Shinya Shikina (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) for "Culture conditions for maintaining survival and mitotic activity of transplantable type A spermatogonia in rainbow trout"
- Siqin (Shizuoka University) for "Expression and localization of relaxin and its receptor LGR7 and their developing changes in boar testes"
Abstracts of the presentations selected for 2006 JSAR Outstanding Presentation Award (PDF, 142 KB)

Ayaka Yano

Etsuko Sawatari

Kenji Takase

Yoji Yamamoto

Shinya Shikina
