At the 103rd annual meeting of the Society for Reproduction and Development, held in Towada, Japan in September, the 2010 SRD awards were presented to each winner.
SRD Outstanding Research Award
The SRD Outstanding Research Award is given for outstanding basic and applied research in animal reproduction. The SRD Award Committee has selected the following members as the winners in 2010:
Yayoi OBATA (Tokyo University of Agriculture) for “Study on the mechanism of oocyte-specific imprinting”.
Koji YOSHIOKA (National Institute of Animal Health) for “Study on in vitro production of porcine embryos using chemically defined media”.
SRD Innovative Technology Award
The SRD Innovative Technology Award is given for the research which contributed to a development of innovative technology in animal reproduction. The SRD Award Committee has selected the following member as the winner in 2010:
Minoru SAKAGUCHI (National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido) for “Studies on fertility in the high-producing dairy cows”.
SRD Young Investigator Award
SRD Outstanding Presentation Award is given for outstanding research in animal reproduction which was performed by an exceptionally promising young investigator who has not reached the age of 40 before April 1st of the year when the award is presented. The SRD Award Committee has selected the following three members as the winners in 2010:
Naoko INOUE (Nagoya University) for “Studies on the role of cell-death ligand-receptor system of granulosa cells in selective follicular atresia”.
Yosuke KAWASE (Chugai Research Institute for Medical Science, Inc.) for “Study on freeze-dry preservation of mouse sperm”.
Michiko NAKAI (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences) for “Study on development of porcine oocytes following intracytoplasmic sperm injection”.
SRD Outstanding Presentation Award
The SRD Outstanding Presentation Award is given for outstanding oral or poster presentation at the annual fall meeting of SRD. Chair of the 103rd annual meeting of SRD selected the following five members as the winners in 2010:
- Oral Presentation
- Takanori NISHIMURA (The University of Tokyo)
- Shogo MATOBA (RIKEN BioResouce Center)
- Poster Presentation
- Itaru MINAGAWA (Shizuoka University)
- Yuki HATANAKA (Kinki University
- Katsuo KOSHI (Iwate University)