Announcement, Circular 2
The105th SRD Meeting will be held at University Hall of University of Tsukuba during September 5−8, 2012. And the satellite symposium will be held in Yayoi Auditorium/Ichijo Hall of The University of Tokyo on September 10, 2012. We will call abstracts for oral presentations (10 min talk + 5 min discussion) and also for poster presentations (2 h discussion) in the main meeting in Tsukuba.
We will have two international symposia; the 2nd Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium will be held prior to the main program in Tsukuba, and the 2nd Japan-Czech Joint Symposium will be held as a satellite symposium in Tokyo. The titles for the Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium from Japan side have been selected after the call from the SRD members. Two regular symposia (“The recent assisted reproductive technologies in pigs” and “Reproduction in Avian and Mammals: A Comparative Approach”) and an open seminar for citizens will be held in Tsukuba, please pay your attentions on these scientific events.
The Meeting Organizing Members are now preparing the program step by step. We hope many people will attend the meeting in spite of participation at two venues both in Tsukuba and Tokyo.
- Date
- Location
- President
- Contact
- Registration Fee
- Get-together Party
- Abstract Submission for Regular Presentation and Competition for SRD Outstanding Presentation Award
- Categories for Abstrct Submission
- Qualification and Evaluation Role for Competition for SRD Outstanding Presentation Award
- Presentation Methods
- The 2nd Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium
- The 2nd Japan-Czech Joint Symposium (Satellite Symposium)
- Regular Symposia
- The 13th mini symposium for students and young researchers
- Open Seminar for Citizens
- Directors, Councilors and Committee meeting
- Nursery Room
- How to Arrive at the Venues
The 105th SRD Annual Meeting
- 1. Date
Sep. 5 (Wed), 2012 The 2nd Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium Sep. 6 (Thu), 2012 Oral presentations selected for SRD outstanding presentation awards, Regular presentations (oral and poster presentations), Mini symposium for students and young researchers, Directors meeting,Committee meetings Sep. 7 (Fri), 2012 Regular presentations (oral and poster presentations),Councilors meeting,General meeting, SRD award presentations, Ceremony for SRD outstanding presentation awards,Get-together party Sep. 8 (Sat), 2012 Regular symposia (in Japanese),Regular presentations (oral presentations),Committee meetings,Open seminar for citizens (in Japanese) Sep. 9 (Sun), 2012 - Sep. 10 (Mon), 2012 The 2nd Japan-Czech Joint Symposium - 2. Location
- Main Meeting (September 5-8): University of Tsukuba, University Hall
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
Satellite Symposium (September 10): The University of Tokyo, Yayoi Auditorium/Ichijo Hall
Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan - 3. President
- Takashi (Taku) Nagai
- 4. Contact
- The 105th SRD Meeting Organizing Office,
NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science. Ikenodai 2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0901, Japan
Tel/Fax: 029-838-8637, E-mail:
President Takashi (Taku) NAGAI (NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science) Secretary Masya GESHI (NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science) Meeting organizing members Astushi TAJIMA (Tsukuba University)
Tadashi SANKAI (National Institute of Biomedical Innovation)
Astuo OGURA (RIKEN BioResource Center)
Hitoshi MIYAZAKI (Tsukuba University)
Naomichi OKAMURA (Tsukuba University)
Tadashi BABA (Tsukuba University)
Kazuhiro KIKUCHI (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences)
Koji YOSHIOKA (NARO Institute of Animal Health)
Satoshi AKAGI (NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science) - 5. Registration Fee
Honorary member Free Regular and Silver member 5,000 yen (early bird)/6,000 yen (at the resignation desk) Student member 3,000 yen (early bird)/3,500yen (at the resignation desk) Non-member 6,500 yen
Registration fee and Get-Together-Party fee are payable by this online registration system. An abstract book is included in the registration fee. The persons who had paid early bird fee will receive the abstract book in advance by postage. Please receive your name card at the registration desk. The persons who will make a registration at the desk will receive the book and name card at the desk. Regular members will receive an abstract book in advance in spite of the payment of the registration fee. - 6. Get-Together Party
- Location: University of Tsukuba, The 1st Area 1A Building Dining Hall (in 3 min on foot from University Hall)
Date & time: September 7 (Fri); 18:30-
Both SRD members and non-members will be welcome to the party. To encourage student members to attend the party, the fee will be reduced from 3,000 yen to 2,000 yen. To increase the quality and quantity of foods and drinks, informal tableware such as paper tray will be used. It is very pleased if you will bring famous and delicious liquors with you from all over Japan and also the world.
Participation feeHonorary member Free (Please registrant in advance in the website) Regular and Silver member 5,000 yen (early bird) Student member 2,000 yen(early bird) Non-member 5,000 yen(early bird) - 7. Abstract Submission for Regular Presentation and Competition for SRD Outstanding Presentation Award
- Abstracts for both regular and competition presentations will be submitted to the website. After the successful submission of the abstract, confirmation mail will be sent to the author. Please use reliable mail address for the correspondence to reduce errors. We do not recommend using free mail address (hotmail, yahoo and etc.) or those for mobile phones. If you have any difficulty in abstract submission, please contact the Meeting Organizing Office(
Open May 16(Wed), 2012; 10:00 Close June 14 (Thu), 2012; 17:00
Each presenter can give only one presentation regardless of the format (oral or poster presentation). Multiple abstracts with the same first author cannot be accepted. Abstract submission for regular presentation should be completed by the presenter or corresponding author. Abstract submission for the SRD Outstanding Presentation Award should be completed only by the presenter (applicant) with selecting either Oral or Poster Presentation Award at the site. The presenter in both oral and poster sessions must be a current SRD member (honorary, regular, silver or student member). Thus, we would like to recommend the presenter without membership to apply for the membership before the deadline of abstract submission. Please note that the student membership needs renewal annually. For having membership or making renewal, please visit (in Japanese) or contact the SRD office (
According to the author instruction in the submission page, title and abstract should be completed within 140 and 1720 letters including spaces, respectively. No figures and tables are acceptable. For the oral SRD Outstanding Presentation Award, an additional abstract for the primary evaluation should be prepared within 3200 letters and submitted as a file in the system. Figures and tables cannot be included also in this formatted abstract. For the poster award, any additional abstract is not necessary to be submitted.
Please submit your abstract with time to spare. Submission tasks in the server system will be busy just before the deadline; this may result in requirement of much time for completion of abstract submission or causing unexpected errors in the system.
The number of oral regular presentations is limited in 70 titles because of the busy time schedule. Please select one presentation format from the following four forms; 1) Oral presentation only, 2) Poster presentation only, 3) Oral presentation preferred (the applicant will accept poster presentation according to SRD office decision) and 4) Poster presentation preferred (the applicant will accept oral presentation according to SRD office decision). If the presentation category should be changed, we will inform the applicant about the change..
- 8. Categories for Abstract Submission
- Please select the research category (major- and sub-classifications) for an abstract submission in both regular presentations and those for SRD Outstanding Presentation Award.
Endocrinology: Neuroendocrinology, Endocrine system, Hypothalamic hormone, Pituitary hormone, Gonadal hormone, Growth factor, Receptor/Signal transduction, Endocrine disrupting chemical, Others. Ovary: Follicle development/atresia, Ovulation, Corpus luteum formation, Luteolysis, Others. Testis/Sperm: Spermatogenesis, Sertoli cell/Leydig cell, Sperm motility/Sperm metabolism, Capacitation/Acrosome reaction, Epididymis/Accessory gland/ Seminal plasma, Others. Egg/Fertilization: Oocyte/Egg, Oocyte maturation, Fertilization, Early embryo, Primordial germ cell, Meiosis, Others. Reproductive cycle/Pregnancy: Uterus, Placenta (desidua), Embryo/Fetus, Implantation, Pregnancy immunology, Pregnancy maintenance (endocrine). Reproductive engineering: In vitro fertilization, ICSI, Nuclear transfer, Cloning, Transgenic animal, Genomic imprinting, Epigenetics, Stem cell, Others. Clinical and applied reproduction: Artificial insemination, Cryopreservation, Embryo transfer, Parturition and perinatal care, Reproductive disease and disorder, Contraceptive technology, Reproductive management, Nutritional and environmental management, Others. - 9. Qualification and Evaluation Role for Competition for SRD Outstanding Presentation Award
- Qualification: Age of applicants should be 32 or less as of April 1, 2012 (Born on or after April 2, 1979).
No situation limited: e.g. salaried or unsalaried, regular staff or not, full time or part time, degree (bachelor, master or doctor). The person who engaged the position beside scientific activities can also apply for the award. However, once awarded in the past regardless of the oral or poster categories, he/she cannot apply within 2 years. (This means that the award winners at the 103rd meeting in Towada or the 104th meeting in Morioka cannot apply this year).
Evaluation: In oral presentation section, the abstracts prepared for the primary evaluation were screened by the evaluators. The selected titles after the primary evaluation will be presented by the first author as for the 2nd evaluation, which will be held during 13:00-14:30 on September 6 (Thu). The some titles will be selected for the award by the evaluators. In poster presentation section, all titles will be processed to the evaluation during 14:30-16.30 on September 6 (Thu). The presentation including discussion will be evaluated, and some titles will be awarded.
Note: For the detailed information, please visit the “Aim of SRD Outstanding Presentation Award and the Evaluation Procedure (in Japanese)” in the abstract submission website. - 10. Presentation Methods
Oral presentation: Presentation 10 min + Discussion 5 min. Windows PC will be prepared for the presentation. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 (Windows) will be installed. If you make a file in another version, please make sure in advance that it runs without any problem. Please bring your file to the registration desk with a USB flash memory or a CD-R. Poster presentation: Poster boards about 85 cm wide and 120 cm height are planned to be prepared. - 11. The 2nd Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium
- On the first day of the Main meeting in Tsukuba, we will organize this symposium.
The 2nd Japan-Korea-China Joint Symposium
Theme: “Current and Future Technologies for Animal Reproduction”
Location: University of Tsukuba, University Hall
Date & time: September 5 (Wed), 2012; 13:00-18:00
Aim: Until now, some important technologies for animal reproduction have not been overcome (e.g. low pregnancy rates in cattle; inefficient semen preservation in pigs; embryonic stem (ES) cells un-established in domestic animals). So it has been expected to improve or establish these technologies. In the present symposium, we will have an opportunity for the discussion about the current status of these reproductive technologies and also the idea for their improvement. Concretely, we will have following three sessions.
Session 1. Efficient offspring production
- Toshihiko NAKAO1,2 and Martina HOEDEMAKER1 (1University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany; 2Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Alumni Research Fellow from Japan). Monitoring metabolic health of transition cows: The keys to improve reproductive performance in dairy cattle.
- Li-guo YANG, (College of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, P.R. China). Hormone gene immunization in livestock production and reproduction field.
- Satoko MATOBA1,2, Trudee FAIR2 and Patrick LONERGAN2 (1Animal Breeding and Reproduction Research Division, Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan; 2School of Agriculture and Food Science, College of Life Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland). Identified culture of bovine oocytes and its application.
- Sang-Hwan HYUN (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Korea). Production of transgenic pigs for the translational research.
- Gi-Sun IM (National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Korea). Production of transgenic pigs for xenotransplantation in Korea.
- Xu ZHOU (College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Jilin University, P.R. China). Roles of neurotrophins in reproduction.
- Hiroshi KAGAMI (Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, Japan). Future possibility and current status of animal stem cell technology
- Chang-Kyu LEE (Animal Biotechnology Major, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University, Korea). New paradigm and standard for pluripotent stem cells in domestic animals.
- De-shun SHI (College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, P.R. China). Generation of buffalo induced pluripotent stem cells.
- 12. The 2nd Japan-Czech Joint Symposium (Satellite Symposium)
- This satellite symposium will be held in Tokyo after the main meeting. No registration fee is required; however, non-members have to inform in advance to the meeting organizing office by E-mail (
The 2nd Japan-Czech Joint Symposium
Theme: “Understanding the Germ Cell Potential”
Location: The University of Tokyo, Yayoi Auditorium/Ichijo Hall
Date & time: September 10 (Mon), 2012; 9:30-16:30
Session 1. Meiosis
- Petr Solc (Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague). (To be announced)
- Tomoya Kitajima (Laboratory for Chromosome Segregation, Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN). Meiotic chromosome dynamics in mammalian oocytes.
- Tereza Toralová (Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, The Czech Academy of Sciences). The expression of nucleophosmin in bovine embryos before and after embryonic genome activation.
- Sugako Ogushi (The Hakubi Center, Kyoto University). Maternal nucleolus governs the higher chromatin organization after fertilization.
- Helena Fulka (Department of Biology of Reproduction, Institute of Animal Science). Production of mouse embryonic stem cell lines from maturing oocytes by direct conversion of meiosis into mitosis.
- Tadashi Furusawa (Division of Animal Sciences, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences). Heterogeneity of embryonic stem cells and its application to generation of transgenic animals.
- Arata Honda (University of Miyazaki; Bioresource Center, RIKEN; PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency). Development of ES/iPS cell research using rabbits.
- Jan Motlik (Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, The Czech Academy of Sciences). Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from the minipig neural stem cells.
- Katsuhiko Hayashi (Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University). Production of fertile gametes from mouse pluripotent stem cells.
- 13. Regular Symposia
- In the main meeting,we will organize two symposia entitled “The recent assisted reproductive technologies in pigs” and “Reproduction in avian and Mammals: a comparative approach” simultaneously. We would like to offer opportunities for free and active discussions among the participants in different ages. (Both symposia will be operated in Japanese.)
Location: University of Tsukuba, University Hall (Hall & International Convention Room)
Date & time: September 8 (Sat), 2012; 10:00-12:00
Symposium 1: The recent assisted reproductive technologies in pigs
1. Somfai TAMAS (NARO Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science), Cryopreservation and in vitro maturation technologies of porcine follicular oocytes for gene banking.
2. Hiroaki FUNAHASHI (Okayama University), Current in-vitro production of porcine embryos.
3. Shoichiro YAMAGUCHI (Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center), Uterine immunoregulated artificial insemination with boar semen.
4. Hiroyuki KANEKO (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences), Generation of offspring derived from porcine spermatogonia grafted into nude mice.
Symposium 2: Reproduction in avian and Mammals: a comparative approach
1. Koji TAMURA (Tohoku University), Evo-Devo aspects of avian-specific traits in limb skeleton.
2. Tomohiro SASANAMI (Shizuoka University) Specific mechanism of sperm storage in avian oviduct.
3. Takahiro TAGAMI (National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science), Differentiation of female primordial germ cells in the male testes of chicken.
4. Takashi YOSHIMURA (Nagoya University), Mechanisms of seasonal reproduction in birds and mammals. - 14. The 13th Mini Symposium for Students and Young Researchers
- Location: University of Tsukuba, University Hall, Restaurant Plaza “Tsukuba Demi”
Date & time: September 6 (The), 18:30-
The mini symposium for students and young researchers is due to be held this year also. We, organizing committee are preparing the plans for you, participants, to enjoy the symposium and discussion. We would like you to have a talk with many people and get to know one another in research town Tsukuba. For details, we announce you through a society mailing list or web pages. We are looking forward to seeing you at this symposium. - 15. Open Seminar for Citizens
- Title: Reproduction and breeding technologies enable us to maintain bio-diversity through the time and space
- Is it important to maintain bio-diversity? -
Location: University of Tsukuba, University Hall
Date & time: September 8 (Sat), 2012; 15:00-17:30
Registration fee: free
There existed many breeds in domestic animals and fowls, that were characteristic to resist against local climate and diseases. However, at present, modernization of rural areas has been progressed and the economic activities became much important in many countries over the world. As the result, animal genetic resources that had shown wide bio-diversity became in the dangerous situation. This is the same also for the wild animals. In the present open seminar, we will give a chance to consider the importance of conservation of genetic resources, and their utilization. We are very aware that the importance of biodiversity, whereas we also have to consider economic situation. We have noticed these conflicted issues, but cannot give any clear solution to overcome this matter. We will deepen our consideration throughout presentations, and finally we will have a discussion among all participated citizens, especially with high school students. (The seminar will be operated in Japanese.) - Topic 1.
- Tsutomu FURUKAWA (NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center), The diversity of pig - not only for pork.
- Topic 2.
- Munehiro RIKIMARU(Akita Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center). Conservation of chicken genetic recourses –Maintenance, improvement and utilization of Hinaidori–
- Topic 3.
- Jozsef RATKY(Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Hungary). Restoration and utilization of Mangalica pigs in Hungary (the fixed title to be announced later). (This presentation will be translated into Japanese.)
- Topic 4.
- Takashi KUWANA (International Institute of Avian Conservation Science, UAE). Simple methods for the creation of individuals and safety stock in rare avian species using new biotechnologies.
- 16. Directors, Councilors and Committee meetings
- During the main meeting in Tsukuba (September 6-8), directors and all committee meetings will be organized. Detailed information will be available in the Circular 3, and also will be informed to the members by e-mail.
- 17. Nursery Room
- To have a chance to participating with children, we will prepare a nursery room during the main meeting in Tsukuba. We will ask nursery staffs to take care with the children. If you will wish, or have a question about this matter, please contact the meeting organizing office in advance.
- 18. How to Arrive at the Venues
- It is very convenient to get from Tokyo to the main venue, Tsukuba University Hall by using a Tsukuba Express (TX) train or a high way bus.
To University of Tsukuba, University Hall - <Railway>
- ・From Akihabara to Tsukuba Station (Tsukuba Center), use Tsukuba Express (TX). 45 min in a rapid service
( - ・At Tsukuba Center, take a local bus, “Tsukuba Daigaku Junkan (=University of Tsukuba Circulation)” and then take off at “Daigaku-kaikan (=University Hall)”. About 10 min.
- ・A local bus bound for “Tsukuba Daigaku Chuo” is available from Arakawaoki and Tsuchiura Staitions of JR Joban Line. Take off at “Daigaku-kaikan.
- <Bus>
- ・From Narita Airport to Tsukuba Center (Tsukuba Station), use a direct bus “Airport Liner NUTT’S” ( About 120 min. Take the local bus there and off at “Daigaku-kaikan (=University Hall)”.
- ・From Haneda Airprot, use a highway bus bound for Tsukuba Center (, in Japanese). About 120 min. Take the local bus to“Daigaku-kaikan”.
- ・From Yaesu South Exit at Tokyo Station, use a highway bus bound for “Tsukuba Daigaku (=University of Tsukuba” ( Take off at “Daigaku-kaikan”. About 75 min.
- * No packing area is available, please use public transportation system.
- To The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus), Yayoi Auditorium/Ichijo Hall - <Subway>
- Tokyo Metro Namboku Line: take off at Todaimae Station. Walk in 1 min
- Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line: take off at Nezu Station. Walk in 8 min
- <Bus (Toei bus)>
- From JR Ochanomizu Station, local buses are available
- * No packing area is available, please use public transportation system.
・Hotel information
There are hotels near TX Tsukuba and Kenkyugakuen Stations. Please reserve your room by yourself.
Room reservation is also available online by visiting the registration & accommodation website
( In the site, you can use “Hotel reservation (Nippon Travel Agency)” system. If you have any question about the online reservation, please contact directly Nippon Travel Agency by e-mail (
